Driving and protect circuits of jts - 1 type voltage source inverter 1电压型逆变器驱动与保护电路的安全技术问题
The pwm voltage source inverter by current control is used in this system 在此控制系统中,采用了电流控制pwm电压源逆变器环节。
The reason causing the variations of capacitors ' voltage of three - level voltage source inverter at dc side 引起三级电压源逆变器直流侧电容电压变化的原因
A novel sine - triangle modulation method based on equivalent circuit model for three - level pwm voltage source inverter 基于等效电路模型的新型三电平逆变器载波调制方法的研究
The interruption generator based on the voltage source inverter ( vsi ) is mostly used to detect and evaluate the power quality problems of the electric equipment Vsi型电力扰动发生装置主要用于用户电力设备电能质量相关问题的评估与检测。
In this paper , various circuits are proposed , and the characters of which are made clear , as the conclusion , the interruption generator based on the voltage source inverter ( vsi ) is selected 本文提出了各种电路拓扑结构,并分析优缺点,选择了基于电压源型逆变器的扰动发生装置的拓扑结构与工作原理。
The ac - dc - ac voltage source inverter ( vsi ) main circuit and tms320f240 are selected to form high performance alternating current ( ac ) adjusting - speed system in this dissertation after detail schemes argumentation 本论文在详细方案论证的基础上选择了交?直?交电压型主电路和数字信号处理器tms320f240构成交流调速系统。
Four typical actively clamped resonant dc - link inverter ( acrdcli ) applications - - - - - - full - bridge voltage source inverter ( vsi ) , half - bridge vsi , full - bridge current source inverter , as well as three - phase vsi , are selected as models 论文分别以全桥、半桥、电流型以及三相拓扑结构为范例进行双幅谐振直流环节技术研究。
The ac - dc - ac voltage source inverter ( vsi ) main circuit and tms320lf2407 are selected to form high performance alternating current ( ac ) excitation system of asg in this dissertation after detail schemes argumentation 本论文在详细方案论证的基础上选择了交直交电压型主电路和数字信号处理器tms320lf2407构成高性能的异步化同步发电机交流励磁系统。
Some research about sensorless control of induction motors in recent years has been introduced in chapter one . in chapter two , a field - oriented control system with current regulator and voltage source inverter ( vsi ) is presented firstly , which is proved in theory that the voltage feed - forward decoupler can be omitted , the good decoupled control properties of flux current and torque current is also validated by experiments with speed - sensor based on f240dsp real system 论文第二章从异步电机的基本数学模型入手,介绍了一种基于转子磁场定向的带电流内环控制的电压型逆变器输出闭环矢量控制结构,在理论上证明了该模型可省略电压前馈解耦环节,采用f240dsp芯片构建的带速度传感器实验系统验证了其定子电流励磁分量和转矩分量有良好的解耦控制特性。